Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Pharma Rep

Let's start this one with a few of my life stats since Jan 1st:

Delta SkyMiles racked up: 20,579 
States Visited: 6
Days of Graduate School Classes Attended: 8
Louis Vuitton purses purchased: 1 (in love)
Boyfriends had (and lost): 1 (definitely not in love)
Current count of date-worthy guys: 2.5

Being that my Delta SkyMiles account is rapidly growing, you all understand my past (and maybe present) need for the option of online dating. You can only imagine the difficulty of meeting men (high, low or any kind of caliber)  when you are constantly on the go. One would think that as much as I'm in airports and on airplanes that the odds are bound to be in my favor that I'd meet someone in an airport. Don't you get all starry eyed thinking about meeting your future companion while on a trip to a foreign country or something fabulous like that? 

Well how about a dose of reality? The truth is, in my post grad world of work travel, the last five years of airplane rides have resulted in sitting next to screaming toddlers, people who don't realize the value of deodorant, overweight people who take up their own seat and half of yours, among many other, dare we call them travel stereotypes?

However, this last little adventure I somehow managed to find fate on my side! On a trip to North Carolina a few weeks ago, I was walking through the security line and immediately noticed this very good looking man standing in line. I didn't think much of it, but definitely caught myself pausing and taking a second glance at this handsome fellow. I proceeded through the line and boarded my plane just like any other trip. I sat in my seat, pulled out my school books (yes, this year I have realized that plane rides can actually be quite productive given the right conditions) and prepared for my short one hour flight from Gainesville to Atlanta...coke products and biscoff cookies included. 

Less than a paragraph into my reading (corporate finance - definitely a good cure for insomnia), imagine my surprise to find hunky airline security guy settling into the seat next to me (can a girl get an amen over here?!?). So here are a few of his stats:

Occupation: Pharmaceutical Sales Rep
Age: Late 20's
Location: Gainesville (#winning)
Hotness Scale: 8.5 (#reallywinning)
Conversation Skills: Good (this isn't always a guarantee with the really cute ones...I know you know what I mean here)

One pleasant plane ride, and we were exchanging phone numbers in the Atlanta airport before departing our separate ways. A stop at my favorite terminal D starbucks and I was on my way to a few days of work in NC with a little extra bounce in my step. 

Yes, he has called...but that's a post for another day. 

Cupid Sucks (maybe a little less today),

Monday, February 18, 2013

The Prequel to Lent a.k.a. The Basketball Player

I am certain that through my blog posts you ladies have gotten to know me a little bit here. And while the last post (40 Days of Sacrifice: Lent Single Girl Style) was a little out of the ordinary for me, you will understand where I'm going with that once I provide you with a little background.

The last few months have been crazy to say the least. Right around the holidays I met this really awesome guy (don't they all start that way?) and we hit it off right away. He lived 2 hours away, but we made the effort to see each other when we could and actually had a lot of fun getting to know each other. His schedule didn't allow him to travel much outside of his city, so I found myself in his town a lot.Yes, I actually squeezed all of that in my hectic work/travel/grad school schedule. Why? Because I really liked spending my time with the guy. Around the New Year you can imagine my elation when he asked me to be his girlfriend. 

Could it really be? A nice, good-looking, genuine guy who really wanted to do this with me! Ehhhhhhh....flash forward four weeks and I'm in the middle of one of my whirl wind travel tours...I'm talking four different states in a matter of seven days (hellllloooo frequent flyer miles). I just worked through the weekend with no time off at a sales conference and caught the next Delta flight from Florida to Atlanta where I'd be for a few days before heading off to Colorado. The Basketball Player and I skyped for an hour or so that afternoon and caught up on everything. It was imagine my shock when I got a TEXT MESSAGE from him around 10PM that read something like this:

"Hey there. I just wanted to let you know that I don't have strong enough feelings for you to be in a long distance relationship. I think you are a great girl, but I just don't want all of the responsibility it takes to be a committed boyfriend right now, because I just don't have the time. My plate is really full. I really still want to be friends. I know you had planned on coming down to visit next weekend, and I would really still like it if you came."

WTF?! First of all, who does this over a text message? Grow some balls for goodness sake! Second, how much "responsibility" could I possibly be? I lived two hours away from this idiot! Third, yes you read that right. He broke up with me in a text message, AND STILL wanted me to drive two hours out of my way to come see him!!!

My reaction: "Ain't nobody got time for this"...thank you sweet brown (I ran out and didn't grab no shoes or nothing, Jesus). I've got enough friends, and let me just say they would NEVER deliver bad news through a text message. Didn't your mama raise you right??

Not upset...just plain annoyed. Not to mention this had to be the world's shortest relationship ever. Word to the wise...don't ask a girl to be exclusive unless you are really ready to do it. Otherwise you are wasting her time...and there are too many good looking men to dance with, fabulous shoes to be bought, and cities to be conquered to be wasting precious time.

Cupid Sucks,

Sunday, February 17, 2013

40 Days of Sacrifice: Lent Single Girl Style

Okay, I know it's been weeks since my last blog, but between work and grad school I've barely had time to breathe. But enough with the's back to the business of dating!

So the other day at work, one of my co-workers asked me what I was giving up for Lent. First of all, I'm not Catholic so it's not customary for me to participate in this Post Mardi Gras ritual (shout out to my NOLA readers), but I thought there are probably some things in my life I could forego for a bit.

As one would suspect, my Lent sacrifice revolved around dating. (See previous posts if you need to know why I need all the help I can get in this area.) Lately it seems that the guys who had a fighting chance at being serious boyfriend contenders have been the biggest let down of them all. Quite frankly you get tired of investing yourself in genuinely getting to know people for it to go south faster than your grandparents on their way to Florida once they hit retirement age.

Solution?? 40 days of "fun" dating. Nothing serious, but nothing sketchy either. We are just looking for a few good dates, not to turn ourselves into the village bicycle here. It's time to give up having expectations that these morons have any idea of what they are looking for in a woman. 

Why fun dating? It's no pressure! If you go in with no expectations you can be pleasantly surprised if something happens (insert disney princess theme music here) and avoid drowning your sorrows in a tub of chocolate ice cream if nothing comes of it (don't judge me, you all know you've done it). 

So I started with my first fun date this weekend...and you will die when you hear how I actually met this one ladies. No bar, no website, just one serendipitous encounter.

I must run for now...(figuratively not's too damn cold out for that)..stay tuned! 

Cupid Sucks, 