Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Victoria's Secret vs. Online Dating

Let me preface this post by saying that online dating is not for the faint of heart. And as I stated before, trying to convey to a man how gorgeous, witty, and charming you are in 1500 characters or less is no easy task. 

While we all hope to meet our future beau the old-fashioned, organic way, for some people (like myself) that becomes increasingly difficult when you factor in things like small towns (where everyone knows everyone -- lived there), jam packed schedules (we work, we church, we volunteer, at some point we must sleep) and jobs that require extensive travel (shout out to my girl at the Terminal D Starbucks in the Atlanta Airport for always getting my latte just perfect)! 

So where do you even start? Match, eharmony, plenty of fish.... you've got Christian singles sites, sites that are known for attracting those wishing to settle down right away, and others who have reputations for people just looking to hook up. The options are as endless and varied as the collection of bras in a Victoria's Secret catalog!

After much debate with the girls over which to sign up for, I finally took the plunge into the online world of dating.  I spent some time carefully crafting the "perfect profile" and strategically choosing my best photos (keep in mind the boys do this too --but I will get to what I learned about this later). Within a few days, my inbox was full of male suitors who were ready to "get to know me". Unfortunately, as with everything else in life, the good always comes with some bad (or in my case a whole lot of it). 

One of my favorite introductory emails went something like this..."You have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. I could get lost in them and feel like I can see into your soul (when I look at your pictures)"...are you freaking kidding me?!?! Honestly, I'm not even sure what any girl does with a message like this other than immediately judge the sender and label them as a creeper.

I dug through the emails and filed away some of the really good ones to share with the girls at the office (I mean if you can't laugh over a situation like this with your girlfriends then why even have them) and picked out a few to respond to accordingly. That's when I stumbled upon the "Event Promoter". He was my first attempt at online dating. You already know how it ends, but the in between is always the best (or at least the most entertaining) part.

Tune in next time...you won't want to miss one of my first dating mis-adventures!

stay foxy,

Now if only this were true...


  1. Oh my girl, I liked OKCupid.com when I was single. But being where you want to be in life, the busy part, is sometimes the best place to find a good one. Find some Adventure Races down there :)

    - Lara

  2. Hey gurrl, love the internet dating, everyone is doing it, except for me =( I have HEAPS of friends who have met many great lads this way! Cant wait to find out what happens next!! xx

