Alright ladies (and gents - whom, let's be honest, i probably made out with before you actually came out, but we'll save that for another entry)...
If any of you know and have experienced the painstaking process (waxing, shelacing, dieting, blah blah blah) that is dating in your twenties, you will totally get where I'm coming from and where I'm going with this whole blog thing.
So, a little about me...
I work in marketing for a corporate office in Gainesville, Florida. My industry is male dominated, but I'm proud to say, my pumps have found their place here among the big boys.
Just like you, my closet is full of stilettos, skinnies, and other pretty, southern girl swag. And, while my closet and social calendar are maxed out, I'm still waiting on that line of gentleman callers that everyone keeps telling me they bet I "beat away with a stick." Can I just say here that I would like to know how that phrase even makes any sense?? I've found it necessary to beat some of these frogs away with a stick, but for much, much different reasons!!
Anyway, my dating life has been unbelievably comical up to this point in my life. To borrow a line from an old Deana Carter song, "Did I shave my legs for this?!?"
You'd think living in a college town would make this whole process easier. Theoretically, there should be a plethora of suitable, young men here. Med students, law students, young entrepreneurs...but seriously - is the universe playing a secret game of hide-and-go-seek that no one let me in on?
Blind dates, Match dates, uncomfortable moments with family friends...drinks, coffee, dinner dancing (well - in some cases I definitely wouldn't call it dancing)...I've been there and experienced it all.
Want to know what a date in my pumps looks like? Stay tuned...
Cupid Sucks,
In reference to "did i shave my legs for this?!?"...wait until at least the 2nd date to make sure he is worth the time & you think he actually "manscaped" for you?